Monday, August 1, 2011

Beer 386 - River Horse Hop Hazard Pale Ale (2.5 stars out of 5)

Brewed and bottled by River Horse Brewing Co, Lambertville, NJ. Bought at a convenience store in Little Italy, NY and drunk warm in the Fairview hotel on 37th Street in New York as a nightcap before going to bed.

We just arrived back to the hotel after watching and listening to the Adams Family musical in a theater on 46th street close to Times Square, then stopping for a burger at The Counter in Times Square because they are open until 1 am. It has been a long day.

After central Park we took the subway downtown to Ground zero, the site of the World Trade Center reconstruction project. We visited the 9/11 reconstruction project information center, then walked to Wall Street and to Beaver Street to see the bull, before riding the subway back to the hotel where we took a much needed nap, I was very dehydrated as I did not want to drink anything during the day since it is very difficult to find a bathroom in New York.

The web site needs a lot of work:

The bottle says "let's get it straight, Hop Hazard is an American pale ale. That means it's balanced with hops, not buried in them. Here's to Independence.6.5%ABV"

A little to much hop character for me. The hops added too much bitterness to make the beer really enjoyable.

359 people have rated the beer at ( ) and gave it an average 0f 3.21 which puts it at the 72nd percentile overall, and the 61st percentile in its style of American Pale Ale
244 people reviewed the beer at ( and gave it an average score of 3.5 which equates to a B-

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