Saturday, July 23, 2011

Boulevard Brewing Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale (3.5 stars out of 5)

Brewed and bottled by Boulevard Brewing Company, Kansas City, MO.  Bought at a new (to me) Spec's store on Fry Road in Katy and drunk at home while preparing turkey burgers and steamed vegetables for Patricia and I and a veggie burger with scrambled eggs for Sofia.  Sofia came home from the hospital today after a rather traumatic week that started with her heart catheterization on Monday, but it ended well and she was well enough to have 20 or more friends visit her later this evening for her birthday party and then go for an hour or so to a club. 

The Boulevard web site is excellent:

The web site says "Most breweries have at least one piece of equipment that’s just a bit persnickity. Here at Boulevard we have fermenter number seven, the black sheep of our cellar family. Ironically, when our brewers were experimenting with variations on a traditional Belgian-style farmhouse ale, the perfect combination of elements came together in that very vessel. You could call it fate, but they called it Tank 7, and so it is. Beginning with a big surge of fruity aromatics and grapefruit-hoppy notes, the flavor of this complex, straw-colored ale tapers off to a peppery, dry finish. 8.0% ABV.
A straw colored, light to medium bodied beer with an earthy, spicy, grapefruit aroma and flavor, a soft, sweet malt flavor and a prominent hop bitterness.
AromaFloral, citrusy hops, Belgian yeast esters
MaltSoft, light, sweet flavor
HopsProminent hop bitterness and citrusy, grapefruit, peppery flavor
BodyLight/medium to medium

I enjoyed this beer,  it had a good initial taste and the follow through was excellent.  The slight bitterness did not intrude overly and it was well balanced.  A strong beer that went to my head a little and helped me sleep well.

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