Thursday, December 16, 2010

Beer 162 - Guinness

Brewed in Ireland, though there is a good possibility that the beer is bottled at the Diageo brewery in Canada.  Nothing on the bottle indicates where the beer was bottled.  Procured as one of my two free drinks at the Car Care Christmas party held this afternoon at the House of Blues in Houston.

The web site description says "Crafted to perfection for over 200 years, GUINNESS® EXTRA STOUT is descended from the definitive West India Porter known as Extra Superior Porter. Crack it open, and the first sip tastes as fresh as ever. The unmistakable deep-dark color, the crisp hint of roasted barley, the fresh breeze of hops, and the refreshing bite all make for the bittersweet reward.  Pure beauty. Pure GUINNESS®."

The bottle contains a widget that is supposed to mimic the effects of the Nitrogen in the draught beer by providing a foaming white head, but I drank it out of the bottle, so no head to be seen (except a slight white foam in the neck of the bottle)  I am not a lover of Guinness, the burnt oats flavor is not one I'm fond of. Guinness is a taste to be acquired.  Others may find the taste muted by drinking it "extra cold" (around 36 deg F) as the bottle requests, but I find my taste buds cannot discern any flavor at all at that low a temperature.

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