Thursday, February 17, 2011

Beer 225 - Sierra Nevada Kellerweis (3.5 stars out of 5)

Brewed and bottled by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co, Chico, CA.  Bought at my local HEB store in Katy, TX and drunk at home in Katy while preparing dinner of stuffed red peppers.

web site is

The bottle says "Kellerweis is deeply complex with flavors reminiscent of ripe banana and spicy clove.  This hazy golden beer glows with suspended yeast creating a velvety smooth texture.  To serve, pour two-thirds into a glass, swirl and pour the rest. " the web site adds "Kellerweis is one of the only American Hefeweizens made using the traditional Bavarian style of open fermentation. This difficult and labor-intensive technique adds uncommon depth and flavor complexity. 4.8% alc/vol"

This almost lives up to the hype.  Pleasant and easy to drink with a definite smell of banana after the bottle is poured.  A very nice beer for summer drinking which I know will be here soon - I hope.

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