Monday, December 20, 2010

Beer 166 - Real Ale Octoberfest

Brewed by the Real Ale Brewing Company in Blanco, TX.  Bought at HEB Grocery in a Real Ale mixed six-pack and drunk at home in Katy while putting the Christmas Tree together and assisting with decorating the tree.

web site:

The bottle (and web site) says "Our Oktoberfest is brewed with the highest quality German malt, hops, and yeast using traditional Bavarian brewing methods. The Munich and Vienna malts are the real stars of this smooth, copper-colored, medium-bodied brew. Well balanced and satisfying, our first lager is the perfect compliment to your fall festivities. Prosit!!!!  ABV: 5.7%    IBU: 25.00    OG (plato): 14.00"

I found the beer to be not quite balanced, a little too much hop taste for an Octoberfest, particularly one that purports to be a lager.  This needs a little more refinement before it can become a welcome addition to the Real Ale family.

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