Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye

Score 3.5 stars out of 5

Brewed and bottled by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co, Chico, CA. Bought at Randall's near Patricia's office and drunk at home after a day packing boxes, cleaning windows, pruning roses and breaking up wood from the fence pickets we replaced. All in an attempt to get the house looking pristine so it can be put on the market and sold. A PODS was delivered this morning so tomorrow we will fill it with boxes and stuff from the garage that can then be stored for a few months while the new house is being built. To get rid of the old wood from the fence we are burning it in the fireplace, and it is crackling a lot and burning quite hot, maybe because it is treated wood.

Now to make dinner, think we'll have tacos, fairly easy to make and I'll add mushrooms to the ground beef and bisto to give it flavor, then I can add the Herdez salsa later on mine to spice it up, since Patricia doesn't like it spicy at all.

The bottle says "Ruthless Rye IPA is brewed with this rustic grain (I assume they mean the Rye) for refined flavors - combining the peppery spice of rye and the bright citrusy flavors of wheat-cone hops to create a complex ale for the tumultuous transition to Spring"

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