Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beer 19 - Corona Extra

Drunk on August 6, 2010
Corona Extra
Brewed in Mexico bought at Spec's Liquor, Houston, TX drank at home in Katy, TX while waiting for Sofia to return from Austin so we can go out to dinner.
When I was much younger and visiting pubs on a regular basis in and around London I would drink lager and lime. Then I got a little older and gravitated to bitter and wherever possible "real ale". I lost the taste for lime in my beer, preferring, instead to enjoy the flavor of the beer the way the brew master intended and not modify the flavor because an upstart copy writer in Manhattan tells me a slice of lime in my Corona is cool and makes me look and feel sophisticated and hip.
But, perhaps eschewing the lime was a mistake. It may be that the lime improves the taste of Corona from the bland, insipid flavor that came out of this bottle. The initial smell of the beer did not bode well, there was a slight mustiness in the aroma that quickly dissipated and left behind the faint smell of day old socks in the laundry. I was hoping this would be like the Indonesian fruit, the duryan, which tastes heavenly if you can steel yourself to get past the terrible smell the fruit puts out. But I was disappointed. The beer was fizzy but the taste was flat and uninspiring and would undoubtedly have been improved by the lime which would have added some flavor. Perhaps Madison Avenue was not wrong after all. Not a beer to come back to, even on a hot day on the beach in Cancun, there are much better Mexican beers available.

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