Friday, November 26, 2010

Beer 142 - Aguila Light

This is another of Bavaria S,A,`s brews from Bogota, Colombia.  It is one of the beers bought by Aunt Maria and left at Mama Leny`s for me to drink.  I bought it to Lucero`s house to dtink with lunch as we were getting ready to leave to the airport to fly to Bogota this afternoon.

The beer is in the front of the picture that shows a typical lunch in Cali, whether served at home or in a restaurant.  The reason why most people can eat a soup and a main course for lunch is that Cali people do a lot of walking during their normal day and lunch is the main meal.  Dinner is usually a snack or hot chocolate with cheese.

The beer tasted like fizzy water.  There was no beer taste.  It was not bad if what you wanted was fizzy water, it was not good if what you want is beer with your meal.

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