Friday, November 26, 2010

Beer 141 - San Tomas San Tomas

This appears to be the flagship beer from Inducerv S.A in Antioquia province, Colombia.  It was bought from La Catorce in Cali and drunk at Mama Leny’s house while relaxing after returning from our excursion up the mountain.

web site in Spanish:
The notes on the bottle, translated from the Spanish say San Tomas premium beer, type San Tomas Lager is made in the houses style,  golden with flavor and with a smell of smoke, using a specific type of malt, easy to drink and refreshing.  The ingredients are water, barley malt from Germany and hops and yeast from Europe.
The beer is a golden lager type, with a little more body and flavor than similar offerings from their main competitor Bavaria.    It drank well and refreshed the taste buds but did not provide enough enjoyment that I would search it out again.

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