Friday, December 21, 2012

Ska Brewing Modus Hoperandi

Brewed and canned by Ska Brewing Co., Durango, CO. Bought at Central Market on Westheimer while shopping for ideas for new products for ITW GB. Drunk at home in Cinco Ranch while preparing dinner of blue cheese burgers, fries and baked beans.

Tonight is the night I start my new medicine regime to try and control the lupus relapses I have been experiencing recently. This stuff is strong, Methotrexate, 2.5 mg, 4 tablets once a week for three weeks, then 5 tablets once a week until next visit to doc in 6-8 weeks. Also have to take frolic acid daily along with the regular prednisone and Coumadin. Apparently methotrexate puts quite a load on the liver, so the doc and I negotiated me down to one beer or glass of wine a day, so this the drink for today.

The can says "hand crafted Durango" and "we use the finest malt, hops, yeast, water and love." and around the rim "walk, kite, recycle, hide,seek, plant, recycle, grow, shower, HHH, tube, recycle"

I drank this beer warm, since I forgot to put it in the fridge. It is quite hoppy, and nicely balanced, but with little head. It will probably be better somewhat chilled.

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