Sunday, March 4, 2012

Widmer Brothers W'12 Dark Saison

Brewed and bottled by Widmer Brothers Brewing, Portland, OR. Bought by my friend Rusty and drunk at home in Katy, TX while watching the NASCAR race from Phoenix on TV. We just got home after spending the morning at an SCCA local event at the Houston Police Academy where drivers drive their cars around a course marked with cones trying to get the fastest time. We met Juanita from work and her boyfriend Andrew at the event. When we left, Andrew was the fastest car in his class.

After the SCCA meet we went to see progress on the house. Only change since yesterday is that all the windows but one are now installed and the house was swept out ready for the inside crew to start. The shingles still need to be added to the roof. Did a video tour for Nicola and Stephen.

This is a nice beer. Slight hints of chocolate that were not obtrusive. I like this beer, it would be a good session beer, it goes down smoothly and has a pleasant aftertaste.

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