Friday, November 25, 2011

New Belgium Belgo IPA

Score 4 out of 5

Brewed and bottled by New Belgium Brewing, Fort Collins, CO.  Bought at an HEB grocery store on Palmer Road, Austin, TX and drunk in the Fairfield Inn, Austin, TX while relaxing before we met Sofia, Rigo and Natasha at the Sushi Japon restaurant for dinner.  We are in Austin for three days over Thanksgiving so we can bring Mama Leny’s Lasagna recipe to Sofia for Thanksgiving dinner.  Sofia has to stay in Austin for her job as a Residence Assistant at UT, so we came to her and had a very pleasant dinner last night in the empty dining room of the hotel with Sofia, her roommate Natasha and boyfriend Rigo. A nice evening was had by all.

Today is Black Friday so Sofia and Patricia went shopping while I walked around Austin by the river and downtown.  Nothing was open but I had a great walk, the weather was delightful.  Then we met for lunch at California Pizza in the mall before dropping Sofia at UT so she could work for four hours.  We came back to the hotel and relaxed.

This was a delightful beer with a nice full bodied taste, the hops are noticeable but they are not bitter and overpowering.  Nicely balanced

The brewery web site:

The web site says “When we set out to brew, we use imagination and salvation to guide us- not necessarily style guidelines. It’s the Belgian way. So, Ameri-Belgo and IPA both being styles, the branding begged for New Belgium whimsy to liven things up. Hmmm Belgo sounds like a Belgian disco. Hops like to party. Next thing you know, we bust out a disco-ball and brewers started groovin. Hops started hoppin. Add in an authentic Trappist yeast strain and the place brewed into a frenzy of citrus hoppy folly."

The bottle says "Friday night and the lights are low: Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial and Simcoe, looking for a place to BelGO. Get in on bottle-conditioned beats and hop aroma blasts as India Pale Ale grooves with Belgian Yeast."

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