Saturday, October 1, 2011

Wolters Pilsener

October 1st, 2011

3 stars out of 5

Brewed and bottled by Hofbrauhaus Wolters gmbh, Braunschweig, Germany. Bought at Fiesta Grocery Store in Katy, TX and drunk at home in Katy while preparing dinner from the jumbo shrimp bought at Fiesta and adding the shrimp to a fried rice mix with peas, sweet corn and scrambled eggs. Didn’t I make the same meal last Saturday night?  Making a little extra this time so we can have Nasi Goreng for breakfast tomorrow.

The web site:

The web site says “Our distinctive Pilsener beer, well balanced bitterness and easy to drink. Gold in colour, fresh and very digestible.

This brewery was bought by InBev in 2003, then in 2006 the brewery was divested and became a private company once again.

I found the beer to be OK.  There was nothing in the taste to make the beer stand out, nor was there anything in this taste that was off-putting.  The beer was a pleasant diversion for a beer to slake one’s thirst but not a beer I would go looking for.

The 52 reviwers at thought the same.  They gave it a score of 3.43 which equates to a B- = worthy ( )

The 33 raters are were not quite as impressed.  They gave the beer a score of 2.58 which equates to the 21st percentile overall and the 24th percentile in its style of of Classic German Pilsener ( )

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