Saturday, July 30, 2011

Beer 381 - Shmatlz Coney Island Pilsner (3.5 stars out of 5)

Brewed and kegged by the Shmatlz Brewing Company, New York, NY. bought and drink at The Counter, a design your own burger restaurant in Times Square, New York. Patricia, Sofia and I are in New York for a four day mini-vacation. We had just enjoyed the musical Memphis, and were on our way back to the hotel at 11.00 at night when we spied the Counter. We were tired and hungry and we knew the burgers were good and they had seats available, so in we went.

We'd arrived in New York at earlier in the day on a flight from Houston, so after checking in to the hotel we found a New York Pizzeria (Bravos on Broadway) and ate New York deep dish pizza, but the only beers they served were the usual bottled beer available anywhere and everywhere. We then spent the afternoon exploring Times Square and Rockefeller Center and walking our feet off before going to the Theater to see Memphis. A very good day.

web site:

The web site says "Step right up and witness the delectable alchemy of 8 malts, 6 hops & Czech Pilsner Yeast.  Discover the thrill of old world brewing conjoined with beguiling new world flavor.  5.5% ABV.” 

Quite well balanced and flavored. Nothing remarkable to make it really stand out, but a pleasant enough beer to help make the hamburger go down . The beer stood up well and held its own with the Parmesan cheese fries as well as the mustard on my hamburger. Worth trying again.

RateBeer ( )says the beer is brewed by Mendocino Brewing, San Francisco, CA, but the Shmaltz Web Site says “brewed and bottled in New York. Be that as it may the 304 people who rated the beer think it is quite good giving it an average score of 3.29 which puts it at the 81st percentile overall and 98th in its style of Vienna.

The BeerAdvocate web site ( also says the beer is brewed in California.  215 people had reviewed the beer and its score of average score of 3.73 gave it a rating of B – good.

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