Thursday, February 3, 2011

Beer 211 - Lakefront Fuel Cafe

Brewed and bottled by Lakefront Brewing, Milwaukee, WI.  The second beer from Lakefront from the Beer of the Month Club.  Drunk at home in Katy, TX while wondering where the snow was that the weather forecasters had been predicting for late afternoon, early evening.  It is now 7:02 pm and there is no sign of snow or even snow clouds in the dark sky.

web site:  where it is interesting to find downloadable pdf pages describing each of the beers (as well as descriptive web pages), though I'm not sure what the purpose is of the pdf pages, they would make nice posters.

The web site says " This unique stout combines the flavor of roasted malts and Milwaukee's renowned FUEL CAFE coffee. Pours a deep, dark color with a beautiful creamy tan head.
Coffee aromas dominate the nose, with a background of roasted grain. The fine balance of mild hops, the gentle acidity of choice coffee and the full mouth feel from roasted malt barley make this an unforgettable brew.
Absolutely fabulous with dessert! Try this one with a chocolaty brownie or a creamy tiramisu, or keep it simple and enjoy with fresh berries and vanilla ice cream. Ideal Serving Temp: 58-60° F. 5.9% alc/vol."

A strong coffee smell and a strong coffee taste dominate this beer.  I drank the beer without food, so the coffee flavor was intense.  It would have been much better to drink this with dessert, splitting a bottle of beer into two glasses, then using two spoons to share a large piece of black forest cake with a special friend.  mmm.  Delicious.

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