Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bohemia Cervesa Pilsen

Brewed by, a website that is owned by Ambev, a Latin American beverage company with headquarters in Brazil. A light lager beer that was acceptable, but nothing special.

Drunk in the executive lounge at the Renaissance Hotel in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The flight from Santiago, Chile was just on 31/2 hours and in that time TAM (the Argentine airline) served a full meal to a Boeing 777 full of passengers. The flight was great, and passport control and customs were pleasant and efficient, why can't flying in the US be like this. One slight glitch is that the ore-arranged car did not meet me at the airport, so I had to take a taxi to the hotel. It was raining hard at the airport, but the rain stopped by the time we got to the hotel 40 minutes later.

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