Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale

3 stars out of 5

Ale brewed with pumpkin and natural flavors. Brewed by Blue Moon Brewing Co, Golden, CO. Given to me by my friend and colleague Rusty and drunk at home in Katy, TX while preparing dinner of turkey breast slices from the Sunday roast, dipped in egg and coated with breadcrumbs them sautéed. Served with steamed Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Very nice, worked out OK, much to my surprise.

web site:

The bottle says "a pumpkin ale is crafted with autumns bounty of vine-ripened pumpkin and flavors of cloves, allspice .and nutmeg. Then brewed with a touch of wheat for a smooth, lightly spiced finish. Harvest pumpkin ale is the perfect way to celebrate Autumn's bounty.  It's the perfect. complement to fall's crisp clear days." 5.7% ABV

The color in the photograph is not an illusion.  This beer really was almost pumpkin colored.  Almost like blood.  But once you get past the color, the beer was quite pleasant to drink.  Light and slightly spicy but without the bitterness of hops.  An easy compliment to lightly flavored cheese and fruits.

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