Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beer 335 - Bell's Kalamazoo Stout (3 stars out of 5)

Brewed and bottled by Bell's Brewery Inc., Comstock, MI. Bought and drunk in the High Velocity sports bar in the Orlando Marriott Resort Hotel, Orlando, FL. while attending the GS1 conference.

Web site:

The web site says "Kalamazoo Stout represents stouts in the Bell's year-round roster, offering a blend of dark chocolate and coffee flavors with just a hint of brewer's licorice. One of our oldest recipes, it balances a significant hop presence against the roast malt body.

Commonly asked trivia

The brewer's licorice we use is gelatin-free, making it acceptable for vegetarians.
The label comes from a series of portraits by a local artist. ABV 6.0%"

Nice full bodied flavor with a hint of bitterness that tries to balance the chocolate flavor.

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