Monday, May 30, 2011

Beer 333 - Orlando Pale Ale (organic) (3.5 stars out of 5)

Brewed in Orlando, FL by Orlando Brewing Company, Orlando, FL. Bought and drunk at the High Velocity sports bar in the Marriot Orlando World Center Resort, FL after arriving for the U Connect conference which starts tomorrow.

The web site:

The web site says"Description: An All-American beer. American organic grown malts, zesty American grown hops and the American ale yeast clearly identify this beer as homegrown. Refreshingly hoppy, pale yet tan and complex maltiness epitomize what this pale ale has brought to the American beer culture. Crisp, clean, sassy and complex, American ale at it finest.
Aroma: Enticing hop aroma from late kettle additions of American hop varieties.
Appearance: Amber gold.
Flavor: American hops lend a unique balance to the commanding malt flavor. Organic caramel flavors and fresh “baked bread” flavors are evenhanded with the full malt taste.
Mouthfeel: Refreshing and lightly carbonated. Long lasting rock head and thirst-quenching flavor.

Very nice, light and refreshing with the slightest bite in the aftertaste that adds to the flavor. A cross between a lager and a pale ale that tends more toasted the light taste of a full lager.

History: An American adaptation of English pale ale.

Comments: In the past, this ale was known as American amber ale.

Ingredients: American organic two-row pale ale malt, American organic Crystal and CaraPilsner malts all mixed to give a considerate body. Truly American Cascade hops, lend a citrusy flavor.

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