Friday, December 3, 2010

Beer 149 - New Belgium 2 Below Ale

Brewed by New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, CO.  Bought at HEB Grocery store and drunk at home after shopping at Walmart for next weeks groceries and now waiting for Sofia to arrive home from UT.

The bottle says "we like to think we beat winter at its own game with 2 deg BELOW winter ale: a bright, warming blast of Sterling and Liberty hops along with tawny roasted malts.  By pushing our 2 BELOW into a final, nearly freezing state, its ample structure develops a brilliant clarity.  Dry, hopping during fermentation creates a bright, hoppy palate and a cheery warm afterglow.  6.6% alc/volume, serve at 3 deg C (37 deg F)."

I like this beer a lot.  It has a slightly bitter taste when first drunk that is pleasant and provides character to the beer.  The aftertaste is pleasant and long .  I will drink this again.

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